If you are struggling to sell on Facebook and via your ads, it's most likely because you are "forcing your message" to the wrong people, at the wrong time - and only to the top percent of buyers.
What about the "other" folks out there? The ones that don't buy right away? We call these the "96%". That's going to change the way your business grows. Fast.
You know that your message needs to be presented between 7-12 times before "they" (your audience) buy. You've heard this before, right?
Using the Facebook platform, you can essentially re-target visitors and existing CRM data, if you so choose. It's a hyper-targeted framework for presenting your on-going messages to a "warm" target that already appreciates what you do.
Plus, you benefit from lower click costs.
As you A/B test ads and landing pages, you can get a terrific return on your investment. We call this maximizing your ROI.
Learn more at www.jonrognerud.com
From http://www.jonrognerud.com/blog
A question I get often is this: “How do we best target our Facebook ads”?
The idea that you present a message to a target audience is well known among marketing geeks, but is often not utilized to the fullest degree by business owners.
And, as you’ve seen in my other posts, an established and clear goal must be front and center before starting any ad campaigns.
These are just a few of the questions to ask as you consider approaching Facebook advertising. You must know where you are going, and determine that the ad platform will reach the audience your are planning for. Google, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube have their own ad platforms too.
Please share if you like this! In advance, thank you! - Jon Rognerud
Facebook ads and the entire ads platform can seem like hell on earth at times.
In fact, you are probably struggling with the whole idea right now.
As a business owner, marketer and entrepreneur, you’re excited to share your message, your products, your services – your content.
Advertising on Facebook seems like the reasonable thing to pursue, and others have told you so as well (probably even me).
You have heard that advertising done right can turn into profit, but there’s a (BIG) problem.
That beast is preventing you from getting past the barrier and onto the next level.
I talk about that in this episode, and I hope it helps you.
Learn more on www.jonrognerud.com and my YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/jonrognerud
The keys to successful advertising, and especially on the Facebook ads platform does not begin with the tools or the platform itself.
Some of these keys will surprise you. But, this will really help you get clarity on how and where to start.
It's true for most all of online advertising for business growth.
Visit www.jonrognerud.com for more training.