NEW! NEW! Friday Footage!
WARNING: The Facebook pixel needs to be deployed to your website pages (all) first - before you run this example demonstration.
This setup allows you to track all your conversions for leads into this simple funnel example:
AdTraffic to LandingPage to ThankYouPage
The "ThankYouPage" is what's considered a "lead conversion", and Facebook can track these for you.
If you want more information, or learn how we do this for clients, book a FREE call at:
Do you look for better ways to do your Facebook live streams, visual interaction with guests and screenshares while getting wider distribution of all your content?
Well, take a look at and
This is a super simple and fast way to get your message out there.
Once it's been set up, you don't have to worry about the tech-y stuff - it's already done for you.
Just make sure you are authenticated on the various platforms, and you're good to go!
Use headlines from John Caple's book - "Tested Advertising Methods". It'll get your head spinning with great ideas! (Plus, you should read it anyway!)
Learn more here:
Happy Friday! This is a follow-up to a previous Friday Footage where I cover lookalike audiences.
The interface has changed slightly from that podcast (within Facebook Ads Manager) - but the rules and steps still apply:
1) use a base data source that has been proven
2) expand via lookalike audience(s) to build similar members for test in your ad campaigns
3) create new adsets using new lookalike audiences and scale
We use this approach for our clients and in a scalable way.
We had an example of this for our workshop, which you can join for free.
Want to discuss in more detail? Visit