Did you know? To build trust and authority online, one of the best things you can do is to create content that serves your audience with what they are looking for.
That's not enough though. You need to make sure it is "EAT" driven: E)xpert level, A)uthoritative, T)rustworthy".
If you are in the health/wellness space, you can learn a lot from looking at your competitors.
Today, I wanted to take a look at a top "guru" in the health/wellness space, Dr. Weil at drweil.com (bookmark it!)
What are top 20 rankings (and more) for educational content that he serves from the website?
As you'll see, it's easy to find this with semrush.com
Here are the steps:
1) Just enter the domain under Organic Research
2) Set up a filter (advanced) to search for URLs containing 'blog'
3) Pick top 20 positions
That's it!
Now you have a model you can use for analysis and create your own evergreen content to support your audience - and know what is already working.
Don't copy. That's just lame. Use it as a guide for your own research and marketing strategies.
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