If you are the owner or a partner in a professional services business (plastic surgeon, med spa practice, law office, accounting firm, real estate broker, financial planner, management consulting firm, training and development company and any higher end service based business) - make sure you listen to this podcast episode completely!
I'll take you through the most common online problem of capturing essential lead data, and what to do with it. Most often, 80%+ of essential customer, client or patient data is lost because of poor or no follow-up.
But...that's not the biggest issue still. It starts by providing a unique, and highly engaged user experience that sets the right expectations.
Listen while I outline the main problem, and solve it by offering different and new ways of thinking, and how to design a funnel experience that your user-base will love! (and so will your chief financial officer)
Original broadcast - Live Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ChaosmapMarketing/videos/209917479853395/
Get more information here: https://chaosmap.com