The goal of today's episode is to educate you and to solve the "my marketing is working, but I get no sales" challenge.
We'll cover: "vanity metrics" vs. "true numbers"
Of course, we'll talk about the sales process.
And, I'll touch on these three audience buckets:
Today Buyers
Future Buyers
Never Buyers
When you understand the user journeys, the concept of cold, warm and hot traffic, that's the first step.
Then, leverage communication and targeting around the 3 circles of custom audiences (above), and you'll be on your way to improving the sales for your organization.
Ensure everybody is included, as a team, and make sure marketing & sales acts as "one". It's easy to blame the other group, whichever you happen to be in. If you're in both - you have only yourself to blame. ;-)
Close the marketing & sales gaps, and go SELL!
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