Lukas Resheske, copywriter extraordinaire - is responsible for $100M+ in growth and profits for clients over the past 7 years.
Learn how Mastering This One Skill can change the trajectory of your life and business.
Mr. Resheske is a professional copywriter. Trained over 100 junior copywriters who’ve been hired by companies like Agora, Mindvalley, Hayhouse, and other major publishers, along with several 6-figure freelancers and 7 figure business owners.
Currently he works on large promos for very select clients, train copywriters for in-house or freelance careers, and work with medium/large companies training their in-house marketing teams in copywriting.
He has the most effective training program on the planet for turning anyone into a world-class copywriter, and he doesn't do things the normal way in that program.
Most people have "hands-off" or very low touch programs that are ineffective...73% unopened, less than 1% completion and success rate, etc. His program has an 86% ‘graduation’ rate and a 100% recommendation rate.
The biggest opportunity comes from understand your audience the best. And the good news is...that’s easier than ever before. You just need to be willing to detach from your own desires and goals and feel into the desires and goals of the people you want to serve.
Visit Lukas here: and his facebook page, under "Lukas Resheske".
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